Effective approach in a brief time
Psychological Counseling is a short-term intervention with specific goals linked to the resolution of a problem. It is aimed at all those people who are going through a particularly hard or difficult moment in their life, such as the end of a relationship, a mourning, abandonment, management of a crisis and/or the loss of job. In all these cases is not necessary to begin a psychotherapy because, most of the time, there is no psychological disorder to be treated. A path followed by professional psychologists is enough to manage and resolve the situation experienced. We offer support to relieve the pain that is unsustainable at that moment and prevent to build psychological disorders. Thanks to our specializations and practice, we use techniques and strategies to implement additionally outside the session in order to be used when necessary and overcome the problem in a limited number of sessions.
What we do
PSYCHOLOGICAL PREVENTIONPsychological prevention is a consultation for those who experience a sense of malaise or experience the first symptoms associated with a psychological disorder. Such advice allows to clarify what the person is feeling and is aimed at intervening to avoid the aggravation of the situation.
COUPLES AND INTIMACY PROBLEMS"We don't choose to fall in love, just as we don't choose to quit loving." This reflection was born thinking that love, more than any other need, belief, convictions, feeling etc., sets us in motion, makes anything more complete. Almost like a primary need, eating for example.
None of us would question the need for eating. We just do it, otherwise we would die ... falling in love moves along the same lines, we just do it, otherwise we don't live. What is certain is that love is one, but many and very different from each other are the people around it. This is how relationships are intertwined, complicated, maintained or modified, on the individual's ability to manage a relationship. This applies to heterosexual and homosexual couples: as in both cases, in fact, despite the best communicative intentions, the couples behaviours often cause negative effects that can lead to conflicts. As psychologists and psychotherapists, we intervene by gathering the couple's communication resources and trying to understand how conflicting mechanisms work, so we can make them manageable and, consequently, functional. PARENTHOOD SUPPORTBeing parents is probably the most demanding of all the "professions". You become responsible for your child even before the baby is born and the parent-child emotional relationship is so complex that it creates doubts and questions not only during critical moments of growth but throughout life. Parenting Support is a space of confrontation for the parents or for only one of the two (in cases of single parenting, separation or divorce) to find answers to these doubts and questions.
It is useful for identifying the most suitable strategies to support all stages of development and to recognize any inconvenience of one's children. It is also particularly important in cases of children who need specific attention from parents (hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, etc.) to find the best methods to manege for those particular needs. |
FAMILY THERAPYFamily therapy deals with all those problems related to the different types of relationships within a family (between parents and children, within siblings, between spouses, etc.). Often the reason why we end having family difficulties is because, over time, communicative and non-communicative mechanisms are triggered which, intertwining with each other, drag people into a behavioural where the other will be perceived as negative, driving to the conflict. Every family is composed differently and the individual components of each are unique. Therefore the scenario changes from time to time. What does not change, however, are the mechanisms underlying the most common conflicts. In these cases, we intervene trying to understand how the conflict works in order to learn its mechanisms and above all how it feeds and maintains itself. Then we proceed by reconstructing functional methods, and in some cases also by creating new forms of communication in order to undermine the previous ones and allow all the members of the family to be able to interact with each other in a constructive and functional way.
CAREGIVERS SUPPORTCaregivers are family members who take care, for most of them time, about the care and assistance of a beloved one with physical or mental difficulties like a child, an adult or elderly people.
Caregivers are those who bear the responsibility and the weight of the treatment and therefore they could experience a constant state of psychophysical stress. The sensations they can experience are anxiety, anger, pain, helplessness, guilt and despair, a sense of injustice and/or loneliness. Our support for Caregivers is aimed precisely at sharing this weight and identifying the most appropriate interventions to manage the specific situations. GRIEVING SUPPORTThe mourning process, whether it is related to death, separation or abandonment, can take months, sometimes even years. In fact, all people react differently according to the relationship with those who no longer exist and the circumstances of the loss, the experiences lived etc. The pain and emptiness can be so intense to make daily activities difficult or returning to work hard. In these cases our aim is to facilitate this period by gradually alleviating the pain in order to to mitigate the grieving process and turn a difficulty into a natural process that will be linked to the significant losses of our life.
Individual, Family and Couples sessionsMind Practice®'s Psychological meetings are aimed at both individuals and couples as well as families and small groups. When the problem is linked with a psychological disorder that impacts on everyday life, the most suitable path is Psychotherapy, always with approaches oriented to solve the problem with a limited number of sessions compared to the more traditional methods. Instead, if you would like to work on your personal and relational resources it is advisable to consider Counseling, which requires few meetings, sometime just one. If you feel that your situation is difficult to define, you can write to our English Speaking Professional and together you clarify the specific need and recommend the type of support most appropriate.